Ghost Story Games founder Ken Levine明确表示不使用生成AI开发游戏
2025-01-02 15:14:25来源:www.luwei123.com发布:二蛋
Ken Levine, the director of both "BioShock" and its sequel "BioShock 2," recently discussed his upcoming game "Judas," and explained why he won't chase after AI trends like many large game companies.
In an interview with, Levine discussed the production process of "Judas" and his views on the current state of interactive media in games development. He stated that while electronic games are unique in their interactive nature, allowing viewers to make real-time reactions, "computers don't understand improvisation." As a result, developers must find ways for AI to appear as if it is responding in real-time.
Levine admitted that AI has its advantages and acknowledged its strength. He revealed that his studio, Ghost Story Games, is also utilizing AI for various tasks but not game production. He believes that AI still cannot create an "engrossing story" or offer multiple scenarios.
Levine promised that any game development at his studio would not involve using generative AI. They are determined to make the games more interactive by focusing on recognizing player behavior and responding accordingly. "Judas" aims to provide players with an experience where they can determine their own gameplay path. "Otherwise, we should just make a movie."
The game is scheduled to be released in March 2025.
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