CentOS Stream 10新版发布 软件环境全优化
2024-12-14 17:14:45来源:www.luwei123.com发布:二蛋
CentOS Stream 10, codenamed "Coughlan", was officially released on December 12th. It is a long-term maintenance version that will be supported until the year 2030. The version is based on Linux 6.12 LTS kernel and has upgraded to Python 3.12, Go 1.23 and Rust 1.82 among other mainstream programming languages to provide developers with the latest toolchain.
CentOS Stream 10 has also updated GCC 14, OpenJDK Java 21, PHP 8.3, LLVM 19, Qt 6.7 and DNF 4.20 which further enhance system performance and functionality.
One notable change in this release is that CentOS Stream 10 no longer pre-installs Firefox, GIMP, LibreOffice,Inkscape 和 Thunderbird。 Users are recommended to install these applications through Flathub's Flatpak software package instead.
CentOS Stream is part of the broader CentOS community and its release marks another step forward for users who require support beyond EOL (End-of-Life) . As mentioned earlier that CentOS Stream provides up-to-date development versions for users interested in contributing code or testing new software as it happens in real-time during development cycles before going into downstream projects like RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
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